The Election Day Blues

The truth of the matter is each of us should be ashamed of this fiasco that will forever be etched in history and how our generation dealt with the stewardship passed down to us generation after generation. Looking at the Republican and Democrat candidates it is easy to see we have failed.
Most people are voting for Trump because they fear Hillary and people are voting for Hillary because they fear Trump. With all that fear who has had time to breathe deep and consider what is really at stake? Once again, as the National Defense Authorization Act, Patriot Act and who knows what other Acts will be passed that strip us of our Constitution and our Rights. Instead we are worried about who we like less and voting in that manner?
Has everyone lost their freaking minds?
I know we all don't see things the same way after all we were raised differently but don't we all share some of the same hopes and dreams? Like sending our young men and woman across the oceans to fight the latest straw man created by our very own government, than to worry about a budget or reducing the deficit and debt that our children's children will inherit by our own ignorance? Is our own self preservation our own selfishness so valuable that we have forgotten what Integrity, Honor, Honesty, Morals and Character are? Or are they tossed out the window like a cigarette butt of a careless smoker? I for one, hope not.
Yes voters this gives me the blues, that we as a nation have bailed on the Constitution, Liberty, and Freedom. Come the 9th of November I hope many of us wake up to the thought of "What have I Done?" I also hope voting for the lesser of two evils this election is not the last nail in America's coffin. So, I hope the next 4 days we will take the opportunity to reflect and double check our values.
I don't know about any of you but I have grown tired of nation building regime change and intervention of countries we have no real national interest in. I am tired of piss poor candidates because we have dropped our standards for the sake of party. The two main candidates come riddled with conflict and questionable character exactly how do you think their Presidency will be? It's kind of ironic most of you hold your family members and friends at a higher standard than your choice of President. How does one come about that? All this makes me blue but not without hope.
Come November 8th I like you, will cast my vote but unlike you, I will not cast my vote out of fear or for parties sake. This will get you one of two things an Authoritarian or a Statist leader, Both are far removed from what our Constitutinal Republic is suppose to be. I will be casting mine on principle and the platform and character of my candidate. I will be voting for the guy none of you took seriously Gary Johnson.
Happy Blue Election Day to all of you.
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