I don't know about any of you but I have a hard time believing that any candidate that is worth multi millions or billions have one once of common ground with me. They don't suffer like me, they don't struggle like me or do they even partake in any of my circles. Just how would they know anything
about me or my wants, my needs or my dreams?
Maybe Napoleon Bonaparte was right when he said " Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."I am not advocating some ridiculous reform against the rich by taking away any of their wealth, after all, capitalism has produced the poor to the rich for centuries. What I am proposing is why are you voting for a candidate who is so far out of touch from you? Donald Trump claims he started with a million dollar loan from his father. Who has that kind of privilege? This is the same guy who said,
" you have to be wealthy in order to be great." Sorry middle class you just can't hold the candle, loser, according to Trump. Where is the common ground and exactly what makes you think he even cares about you the voter outside of the vote you cast at the ballot?
Trump is not the only one that falls in this grey area, Hillary Clinton with the abuse of the Clinton Foundation is another. Her pay to play, donations from foreign enmities and love affair with Goldman & Sachs. Unfortunately so many on the left live in a delusional bliss believing she can do no wrong because she has not been arrested yet. People, that is exactly what money can get you, "a get out of jail free card." Can you do that? Ask yourself, why is it the poor that fill our prisons, why is it these same people are defended by a court appointed attorney who is forced to put their name in a pool in order to practise law. They also only get a minimal fee for it. Yeah, that is most of America unlike the rich you pick to represent you as P.O.T.U.S.
Then Candidates like 3rd party Gary Johnson Libertarian Party and Jill Stein Green Party are tossed to the wayside. Yes both are better off than most of us but they had to work hard to get to where they are unlike Trump or Clinton. I have more in common with the 3rd Party candidates not necessarily because of their platforms but because of where they come from and how they got to where they are now,You can read about them in the last piece I did. It is very apparent to me that the Duopoly System has made good use of it's political monopoly of the last 3 decades in it's brainwashing of the populace. Wait, what? Brainwashed how? I am glad you asked! If your voting for Donald Trump (R) or Hillary Clinton (D) then you are voting how they told you and want you to. You have excepted their choice for you as your own and don't even realize it. To everyone who has said the elections are rigged, Congrats, you are right but yet your going to vote out of your training and habit instead of your own clear conscience. You have decided to vote the two party system the root of everything you are against. Give it some deep thought before you cast your vote and ask yourself, Does my candidate have anything in common with me and am I totally comfortable with my vote.
A Patriots View
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